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Peer Review: A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 1


Entry: All's Well - The End - A3469034
Author: KTAvon - U1131470

can't determine if this is correct but since this entry does not appear to contain particularly gratuitous references to douglas adams or his books i guess this place is a start

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 2

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Sorry, but Peer Review is not the place for one's own personal perspectives on Life, etc...

I suggest you go and have a look at the Writing-Guidelines, as these will give you some idea of what we're looking for.


A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 3


Hello KTAvon,

Hi and welcome to H2G2!

The entry you have posted appears to be a personal entry, but for some reason you have submitted it to Peer Review.

Peer Review is our forum for reviewing factually based entries which one day might make it to the H2G2 Edited Guide. Already, there are nearly 7,000 entries in Edited Guide, describing people, places, things, fashions, methods and well known belief systems of all sorts and descriptions. To get there, most of these entries went through Peer Review first of all, for comment and helpful criticism.

Unfortunately this not the place for personal spaces, opinion pieces, subjective histories or fictional accounts, so your best bet would be to remove the entry from Peer Review. This is easy to do. Click on this --> PeerReview, find your entry, then click on the small asterisk or x symbol beside it. Your entry will be removed from Peer Review, but it won't be deleted - it will remain forever part of the vast "Unofficial Guide", where you have much more freedom to write on different things that take your fancy.

Take care,

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 4


thanks fm - i got that pretty well after i'd read the guidelines - just wasn't sure is all
happy days

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 5


woodpigeon - what a friendly and informed reply you wrote - thanks

i made a bit of a blue - now i will concentrate my efforts on an entry based on the criteria set out in the areas you mentioned

take it easy yourself - cheers trout k.

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 6

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

No worries KTAvon smiley - smiley

it's a common mistake with newbies eager to join in, and it's great that your eager to join in. smiley - biggrin

we all learn by making a few errors along the way, and i've made quite a few, I have an unofficial badge on my space 'smiley - diva of error makers' smiley - laugh

Welcome to h2g2 where none of us are perfect smiley - biggrin

Look forward to reading your next Entrysmiley - smiley

smiley - rose

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 7


thanks to you too emilly - i am going to move what i wrote to about me -that's what i should have pressed from the off - by the way what is that smiley - looks like someone with cake all over their face - ah yes diva of error makers i geddit

thanks KTA

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 8

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

Um... You seem to have replaced the text of the Entry rather than actually removing it from the review forum. Changing the text doesn't remove te Entry itself; you need to find it in the PeerReview list and click on the x-shaped image next to its name.

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 9


This still hasn't been sorted... smiley - erm

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 10


KTAvon hasn't posted for four weeks...

A3469034 - All's Well - The End

Post 11


Oh - now it is smiley - smiley

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