Fraserburgh... Libations

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Should you find your desolate hitchhiking self standed in the un-metropolis of sunny Fraserburgh (and have availed thyself of the Lighthouse museum more times than you can point fruit at...) then pop along to the Castle Bar aka "The Brewery".
A family run establishment with fun and topical sing songs engrained in the traditional formica decor. (Many people have campaigned against the senseless slaughtering of formica cubs for the upholstering of drinking establishments, but amongst indigenous inhabitants of the area it's seen as part of a natural selection cull to keep numbers in check )
Competative prices and a back to basics approach have given the pub a sub-cool statis. The regulars revelling in their rejection of sheeplike conformism choosing instead a more cerebral appreciation of the finer things like pub philosophy, drinking buddy comradery and borderline alchoholism.
Take the opportunity also to chat with old J.C., very much a pub fixture and fitting, offering wisdom and wit or a shoulder to cry on whilst only tapping a minimal fee, he embodies the 'spirit' of this Bacchantic Mecca.
On a serious note, much of what I have said here may be misconstrued as sarcasm or a pityful attempt at irony, but jesting aside I consider this one of the most friendly and un-pretentious places I have ever had the opportunity to call home. It's not the bricks and morter that count, it's the lives of the people. This place is full of life. 8-)

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