
2 Conversations


Their kiss was long and lingering, but they got no pleasure from it. It was a goodbye kiss. She was leaving, going to america and so they could both be sure it was the last time their lips would meet. As they kissed, her tears rolled slowly down her face, mixed with her mascara.
Her stopped and leaned back. Taking her face into his hands, he wiped away her tears with his thumbs. He gazed deeply at her, drinking in every detail. Mapping each line and curve of her face in his head, grafting it into his memory. And then he walked away almost running through the train station doors. He did this all the way sheilding his face because REAL men don't cry.
Her tears stopped. Not because she was cold or heartless but because she had shed countless hundreds the night before and had no more left to give. She let out the breath she had been holding while she cried and it condensed in the cold morning air, sending out plumes of mist.
She wrapped her coat tightly around her and sat down on an icy seat, next to the track.

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