A Conversation for The Eurasier

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 1


Entry: The Eurasier - A33988954
Author: eurasier1 - U11340728

Although there are 2 other entries on the Eurasier (dog breed), I feel that I have researched this topic better than the others and tried to give as much objective information as possible.
It is finished apart from pictures which I have not managed to insert (yet, but would be very grateful for advice on how to upload them onto blobs!!).
Many thanks,

A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 2

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Hello there smiley - smiley I wonder whether you could have just simply updated the other two entries.

A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 3


Hello too,smiley - smiley
I would have, if I had managed to find how smiley - sadface; and trust me I asked a few people smiley - wah. But then I think that the authors would have minded smiley - winkeye.

A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 4


They wont mind at all you and they wil share credit, that is the point of H2G2 its a community.

Feel free to update noone will mind or complain, and the forum will provide guideance.

Hello by the way


A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Everyone...

I'm afraid it isn't a case of updating. The Edited Entry is factual and soley the work of the authors.

The work here, and in another account had been copied wholesale from another site, which is actually linked in the Edited Guide Entry. This is why the moderators are checking things out.

I hope that clears up any misunderstandings.


A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 6

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta Lil

A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 7


Back to Entry (EG Entry on the subject already)

A33988954 - The Eurasier

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Seconded smiley - ok

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