A Conversation for My Sex Life

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 521


Good point about appealing to the originator of the page, and yes Peta IS still subscribed smiley - smiley


Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 522

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i thought the originator was one of the other italics who set up this page by sneaking onto marks computer when he turned his back and using his account........i think it was abi or anna,,......but i might be wrong.

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 523

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

it was Peta... I know what you mean.

I need change the title of page, because I do not get a lot of responce

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 524

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

sorry, that made sense in the order i posted in but it got delayed somewhere in the etha and now i look dumb.

smiley - blush

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 525

E G Mel

The originator of this Page, it was a joke by Peta, (read the beginning of the thread) Unfortunatly though she can't guarentee that the old threads will be back before Mark leaves smiley - sadface

Mel smiley - hsif

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 526


I know, "legacy queue" and all that jazz. Threads coming back in chronological order. Ah well, one day smiley - smiley

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 527


Hi all,

Yes, it was me. I'm the one with an evil smiley - devil sense of humour in the office! smiley - winkeye

I'll try and recalcuate the arrival time of these postings later in the week. It'll be a close thing anyway, the conversations might just make it back in time! smiley - smiley

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 528

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you are such good colegue for your other pisa people, Peta.

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 529

E G Mel

Believe me life in the office would be boring without the odd pratical joke, my mate returned to his desk once to find everything (and I mean everything) had been cable tied to something else! The look on his face was apparently priceless! smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 530

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

whats a cable tie?

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 531

E G Mel

A piece of plastic with ridges at one and and a hole like clasp at the other, used to tie round cables, you insert the ridged end into the hole. Once tied must be cut loose, extremely cheap and in plentiful supply around Electronic engineers!

Mel smiley - hsif

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 532

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

do they use them on tv now instead of handcuffs?

if so then i think i know what you mean

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 533

E G Mel

Probably not but.....


I'm sure you've seen them, you must have!

Mel smiley - hsif

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 534

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

yep, i have, thanks for the link.....and that is what they use as handcuffs.
.........totally unpickable!

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 535

E G Mel

Cool, I'm going to have to tell Ed that, he's always had a thing about cable ties, now that they are used as handcuffs we can tease him even more!

Mel smiley - hsif

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 536


Just checking in smiley - ok

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 537


looks like we'll never find out the sordid details now smiley - sadface

Having said that, now that he's left, Peta can start spreading the gossip around without danger of being sacked smiley - winkeye

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 538

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

smiley - laugh

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 539

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I wonder if Mark will have more fun in Africa
than he had here. I here that Africa's plains
are the site of a lot of wild life. smiley - silly

Original topic: Mark's Sex Life and 101 uses for Spam

Post 540

E G Mel

I'm sure someone will get the gossip and bring it here!

Mel smiley - hsif

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