What Glass!

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An Optimist starts the day cheerful and is expecting the day to be wonderful and that they will fly through it in the utmost happiness. Unfortunately for those in that state of mind there is nowhere to go but down.
Pessimists on the other hand expect the day to be horrible and depressing. As the day goes on they cannot help but be pleasantly surprised.
I choose the latter.
In a world constructed specifically to get you down, one must be prepared for the worst and be happy when it doesn't happen. In the words of Elizabeth Haydon;Its not if I'm going to get hurt Its when I'm going to get hurt and what I can do to minimise the damage. But if you are going to go around the place all bubbly and cheerful please do me the favour of not trying to inflict it on me. I can take that sort of thing from my dog but please god! Not from my sugar-high roommate!

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