Sandymount Haiku - UG

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Official UnderGuide Entry

Haiku are deceptive. People confuse "simple" with "easy". Haiku may be simple to write, but writing good ones is assuredly not easy.

Here are a selection of unusally good ones written by Chaiwallah during his walks on Sandymount Strand. They need no illustration, but Chai photographs as well as writes when he walks.

Two squealing magpies -

like a rusty barrow-wheel

in need of oiling

Two shrivelled dry leaves,

twisted, curled on the footpath -

like hungry bronze claws.

Gold moon rising full

over the silent water –

catches a heron.

A summer cloudburst

drumming down hard as laughter,

umbrella thunders.

Two grey crows peck bones –

They know that they’re dinosaurs.

They see I know too.

Looks like a smooth rock -

but up close the twisted beak

tells of feathered death.

Grey sea meets grey sky -

so seamlessly, cargo ships

hover in the clouds.

Razor shells clustered,

all perfectly parallel -

a single brushstroke.

Subtle shape-shifter!

yesterday a tall heron,

today just a stake.

If mating snails knew

how blind joggers mostly are,

they'd stay off the path.

Last days of August.

the scythe-wielding grey wind comes

singing summer's death.

White yarrow star-burst

galaxies the salt-burned bank

in bright nebulae.

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