A Conversation for Radio Thursday

Radio Thursday Two

Post 61

What_is_life? v3.01 [RCHD] Through the Star Gate

awww, i hereby turn the radio into a complaints service.

Radio Thursday Two

Post 62

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

Hey, this is NOT the sirius cybernetic corp, ok?

Radio Thursday Two

Post 63


I wish to register a complaint!
Hello miss.

>>>What do you mean, 'miss'?<<<

I'm sorry - I have a cold.

Radio Thursday Two

Post 64

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

ok, im back, radio back on duty and ill post something interesting asa i found something intresting!

Radio Thursday Two

Post 65


smiley - bigeyes

Radio Thursday Two

Post 66

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

Things the world does not need:


Radio Thursday Two

Post 67


*busy rating toaster weirdos* smiley - ok

Radio Thursday Two

Post 68

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

Heres another thing, its an a rather old one, but its just sooooo funny if you know a little bit about computers. Now, who knows the B.O.F.H.? Yes, the Bastard Operator From Hell!


Heres the official website.. just read it, youll understand... smiley - evilgrin

Radio Thursday Two

Post 69


Do I? smiley - huh

Radio Thursday Two

Post 70

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

did you read it?
makes me go smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh...
'We dont do thigs *FOR* useres, we do things *TO* users!' smiley - laugh

Radio Thursday Two

Post 71


Read what? There are a lot of links, but to me they don't add up. Which one am I supposed to check out? I just don't get what's funny about it! smiley - wahsmiley - run

Radio Thursday Two

Post 72


This one for example? http://bofh.ntk.net/Bastard1.htmlsmiley - smiley

Radio Thursday Two

Post 73

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

yap, thats it! and the other ones, too... smiley - evilgrin

Radio Thursday Two

Post 74


smiley - ok These narrations are not just funny but also nostalgic and thus pretty charming! smiley - magic

Radio Thursday Two

Post 75

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

right... back in the times where 4 meg of disk was more then youd ever fill and people were connecting to the net with a modem.. ahahaaa..

Radio Thursday Two

Post 76

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

*steps in and suffocates in the produced dust cloud*

Radio Thursday Two

Post 77

F F Churchton

Wow you've got a dust cloud as a producer, it's more than I've got!

Radio Thursday Two

Post 78

DarkListener - Honorary Protector of Sunday

Since i just suffocated, im technically not able to talk or move, so ill declare myself undead for the time being and act as if nothing had happend.

As soon as thursday moves in with the heavy weapon to clean the place up ill start broadcasting aigain.

Id also like to point out that the fishtank contest is still running. Best fishtank yet was set up by thursday himself and can be viewed at A3811277. Enjoy.

... still waiting for the flamethrower... a might also do the job. Anyone seen oneround here?

anyway... have fun and dont panic.

Oh, and carry your towel.

Radio Thursday Two

Post 79

F F Churchton

Have a chat with Kitush, she has a dragon of some such!

Radio Thursday Two

Post 80


*turns lights out*

Oh dear, its a power cut - can't see anything...

*accidentally bumps into and spills a petrol can all over everything*

What was that? smiley - huh

*lights blowtorch so he can see*


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