A Conversation for Ventriloquism

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 21


you mean like putting peanut butter and jam between 2 slices of bread and saying 'yum'?

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 22


I thought they called Jam "Jelly", and chips "French Fries" and crisps "chips"....
What's the American for "Dead Body"????

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 23


i don't know.
i was born in surrey.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 24

Randolph Carter

Imagine keeping Elvis' body in your house.
That would be horrible.
You could perhaps use it as a bouncy castle.
Or for storing lupins.
Or, for doing Elvis impressions.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 25

Patrick Ireland

Americanese uses both "jam" and "jelly" when discussing preserves, "jam" generally intended to convey a denser, more opaque product, often containing chunks of whole fruit, whereas "jelly",as a rule, means a clarified, more uniform product. The distinction between the two being clarity and texture, not flavour.

Your take on chips and French Fries is perfectly correct.

Americanese for "dead body" (principally in the legalistic sense) is either "the deceased" or "the decedent". In more conversational, though still formal terms, "remains" or "remains of (name)" are also common usages. The increasingly popular practice of cremating dead relatives has given rise to a handy portmanteau word to describe the end result: "cremains" - a useful, if not altogether satisfying term. In the most generic sense, usually referring to an unspecified individual, the term is "cadaver". I intend to write an article treating cadavers soon, so keep your eyes open for it.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 26


parrot scetch anybody?
anyone's favourites?
mine has to be 'it it was not nailed to this perch it would bwe pushing up the daisies!'

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 27


So it is proven that dead bodies can make you money if you hire them out to Show Business!! Forget museums, bring on the TV and Movies! I mean, "Weekend At Bernies" was a film about a corpse. "Trail of the Pink Panther" starred Peter Seller's two year old corpse. Woody Allen's been a corpse for years. So why not follow Monty Python's lead and star corpses in films? You won't have to pay them high wages, and they won't break any contracts.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 28

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Basically it's an extra lane on some highways that you get to drive in if you have a certain number of people in your car (where I live you only need three.) Sort of like the express lane at a supremarket.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 29


Oh right... Thanks!

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 30

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

I forget...were you the one I talked to about reviving this thread? Because we'll have to do a better job than this.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 31


Yes, I know. We'll have to get some more exciting stuff to talk about, bring in some Halloween-type atmosphere now that some people are in the Spooky mood... Trouble is, my Halloween was quite romantic and I haven't seen a dead body for ages... Still, if we can convince people like Cakewalker or Mensa**e to come here, loads of people will probably follow.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 32

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Should we start posting in other forums telling people to come here?

My Halloween was a bit of a flop. Planned to go to a party--didn't quite happen. Got all dressed up for nothing. Blah.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 33


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. No dead bodies involved then??? You know, Random DNA who wrote most on this forum hasn't been here for 20 weeks - I checked. But yep, I think we should advertise in different forums, see if we can get some new blood in!

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 34

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Well, there would've been some dead bodies if we could've gotten our hands on the people who were responsible for our not getting in....

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 35


I know the feeling smiley - winkeye So tell me, how would you make fun and profit out of a dead body?

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 36

The Dancing Tree

Teach it to do the washing up or, failing that, film a hoax making out it can yodel.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 37


I always thought that those who yodelled were pretty much dead anyway. Standing by a mountain and calling out weird words isn't the most exciting past-time, but then I guess I shouldn't criticise as I don't know anything about it.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 38

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Well, for fun there are all kinds of pranks one can pull, and as for profit...nobody ever really asks what goes into dog food, do they? Or cafeteria/dorm food, either.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 39

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Granted, I wouldn't go all the way to the mountains just to yell out weird words, but the yelling itself, if you ask me, is a lot of fun. But then I love to get reactions.

Keeping a dead body in your home for fun and profit.

Post 40


Or sausages.... Did you know that during WWII when Germany was losing the war, to save money they cut down some pine trees, pulped them, and sold them as sausages - and no-one noticed? But I guess it isn't that different from soya. Reminds me of "A Close Shave".

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