halo an introduction to the universe

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Halo for the xbox, an introduction to the universe

with the launch of the xbox in 2001 microsoft bought out a little known game company working on a game, that was exclusively for the apple mac, the game went on to be the best money spent by mr gates and became one of the most important games of the last 5 years that game was... Halo, but without the amazing back storys of john 117 A.K.A spartan 117 A.K.A the master chief, USNC and Covenant this game would be a lot less brilliant and...well..just another fps1

The Spartan Project

With the looming threat of the covenant the us military started the spartan project, a list of 75 children aged around 6 years, were taken from their families and replaced with genetically inferior clones, the 75 boys and girls were chosen because of their genetic structure being as close to perfect as could be scientifically determined, they were stripped of there surnames and all records of the kids ever existing were deleted from government files, they were instead given 3 digit numbers by which they would forever be known.

Training and surgery

The children were trained in every aspect of tactical planning, military manuevers and weapons/equipment maintenence, until they were old enough to start the biogenetic modification process, this focused on speed, strength, reflexes, endurance and mental capacity, making the sparten a group of super human warriors, 30 of the children died or where irreversibly crippled by the biogenetic enhancement, the crippled spartan's where kept on as intelligence officals, the military not wanting to waste there extreme knowledge of tactics.

The spartans in action

The 45 surviving spartans were put into active duty, and over 6 years of fierce battle only 3 of the special troops were KIA2, and only 200 troops under the spartans leadership were killed this was astronomically amazing stats for 6 years worth of battling against foes as ruthless as the covenant. something however went wrong soon after the spartans final fusion with their MOLJNIR mark v armour, all but one dissapeared.

The Master Chief

The master chief also known as spartan 117 or john 117, is, to the best of his knowledge the only surviving spartan, standing 7 foot tall and weighing half a ton in his battle armour he is an intimidating prescence3, john was never the best of the spartan crop, and the reason he is such an asset is his common sense on the battle field, he never really enjoys fighting he just does it because he is ordered to and since the age of six he has known nothing but, 117 was an integral part in the taking down of halo, and the hunting of the prophets on the planet earth.

1First person shooter2Killed in action3The fact that he can kill with any object known to man before you get the chance to scream probably also adds to this.

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