I just want to feel real love......

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"I just want to feel really love
And a love ever after.
There's a hole in my soul,
You can see it in my face.
It's a real big place."

These lines from Robbie Williams' song "Feel" (Album: "Escapology"), I believe summarise much of what is going on in the world today, especially the Western world.

Our society has taught us that, to be truely happy, we need more "stuff" - more money, more clothes, a better car, a bigger house, designer clothes...........etc, etc.

We all need to feel like we fit in.....that we are loved.....that we belong.

To continue on from the opening quote and give a brief background biography of Robbie Williams.

Robbie first came to the public attention in boy band "Take That". He left the band in 1995 for a solo career, but was not expected to become a success. He spent a lot of time living a lifestyle of partying, drink and drugs. He has had several broken engagements. He has, with help, since moved on from the drink and drugs.

His stage performances are outrageous. He was once reported to have said that he prefers living in LA be cause he feels swamped by his fans in the UK.

(A more detailed biography can be found

Robbie is someone who has had a life that most of us cannot imagine - the fame, the press, the drugs, the relationships, etc. It is, perhaps, hardly suprising that he wrote "Feel" and many other songs that express a need for this "real love".

The things of this world cannot provide or sustain true happiness. If we are not content the way we are and with the things we have, will we really be content with more?

Here are some words that, though they were first written a long time ago, still have relevance today.

For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.
Jeremiah 31:25

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
John 11:25-26

Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
Proverbs 11:4

Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
Isaiah 45:22

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

To finish in the words of Robbie Williams himself:

"May you find that love that won't leave you,
May you find it by the end of the day.
You won't be lost, hurt, tired or lonely -
Something beautiful will come your way."
(Robbie Williams, "Something Beautiful", "Escapology")

This is my prayer for all of you that "want to feel real love".

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