Kasia's Jazz Cafe

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Welcome und Wilkommen. You are in Kasia's Jazz Cafe. Let's talk about music, good books, nice places to live in and contrasts of life. There will be a little touch of Warsaw/Poland, because the Cafe came originally from this city. Warsaw is known as a good place for listening jazz: there are by now two big Jazz-Festivals: Warsaw Summer Jazz Days in the end of June and Jazz Jamboree, in October. The first one is only a few years old and mostly for people with an open-Jazz-mind, because they play mostly avangarde. Jazz Jamboree is a very old festival, it's existing for more than 40 years. Since the 1990s there are more and more places, where you can listen to a good jazz - clubs, like the legendary "Aquarium", or sort of open-airs in Summer,like the every-Saturday-free-concerts in Warsaw's Old Town. It's always worth listening to the polish Jazzer's like Tomasz Stanko, Walk Away, Ula Dudziak, Maciej Sikala, Robert Majewski, Milosc,and lots of others. Also such great jazzers like Mike Stern (I love his play!!),David Sanborn,Bob Berg,John Scofield,Micheal Brecker, Joe Henderson and many others were playing here. Other good jazz places all over the world, funny stories about musicans are a good starting point to join in this cafe. Kasia's Jazz Cafe intends to be billingual - english and german. Kasia loves the people there, as well as the language, so you can communicate also in german. So, pop in at any time - schau einfach mal rein!

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