Vedia: Shiva's stronghold

8 Conversations

Vedia, Stronghold of the Divine Shiva

the Star of Vedia

Vedia proper

Vedia is a planet not unlike that of the Tauri. The planet has a similar axial tilt and experiances similar seasons. There is approximately 68% oceanic coverage of the planet and the various continents are connected by a massive ring-transporter network. The North-Western continent contains most of the industrial areas, including weapons factories, shipyards for Ha'taks and Al'keshs, as well as fighter production facilities for Death Gliders. The South-Western continent is mineral rich and mountinous, containing large sums of Naquada and other minerals vital to Lord Shiva's northern industrial complex. The North-Eastern continent is filled with vast plains, rolling hills, fertile marshlands, and is used almost exclusively for farming. The South-Eastern continent is mountinous, volcanic, hellish, and used entirely for the raising and training of Jaffa.

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