A Conversation for London Borough of Newham

A couple of things

Post 1


Probably the best ambassador for Newham is the poet Benjamin Zefaniah (Please check out the spelling) who never fails to mention Green Street as a multi ethnic melting pot whenever I have heard him on the radio.

Although, I only skimmed through, you don't seem to mention West Ham United at all.

Elizabeth Fry, Lister and the Three Mile Island complex might be worth mentioning too. The latter being perhaps the only reason anyone from outside would wish to visit until and unless Stratford gets it Channel Tunnel connection.

A Resident!

A couple more things

Post 2


And there's the CITY AIRPORT, Tate and Lyle, and the Royal Docks, Beckton, and all that stuff, including the remarkable brightly coloured new students accommodation 'Drums' at the new Campus for the University of East London, probably the only modern buildings of note in LBN.

And there's the Pie Crust Cafe on Stratford Broadway (actually getting on towards the Bow flyover). This is probably the only LBN restaurant to get in most London Restaurant Guides. Its a workmen's cafe during the day, and a Thai restaurant at night, and very good it is too, tho very scruffy.

And there is the old library building (now part of UEL campus) on Romford Road. This is very 'Arts and Crafts' style, and immediately noticeable (what the hell's that?) as you drive down Romford Road.

And there is a whole network of canals between Stratford and Bow, hidden by horrible industrial Estates etc.

Bow porcelain factory (first mass produced porcelain in UK) recently subject of an exhibition at Manor Park Library (another Victorian gem) so I guess the factory must have (just) been in Newham.

I'm getting carried away!!

A (long term) Resident

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