My old Space

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Me and my smiley - aliensmile partner A Visitor to Planet EarthCAC BannerMy smiley - monster teenage son AlexDinosaursAnd newmayflower my mum
Grandma with photo album being interviewedMy 2nd HomeFancy line breakA slow worm.

Memories of my childhood. smiley - zen I grew up in a small village, called Horndon-on-the-hill. Surrounded by fields in the summer, along with my brothers and friends we'd camp out at night, and spend the days searching for slow-worms and lizards. There were adders in the fields too, so we all learned the difference from an early age, and stayed clear of the adders.

Fancy line breakTiger Cubs

Welcome to my mini zoo . Please do not disturb Bruno, Tyson or Rocky they've not been fed recently, and may be very hungry.

A penguin pushing luggage while another penguin looks on

Ah, so that's where 's luggage ended up. You can claim your lost luggage below.

An Indian elephant

Watch out ! You may need an umbrella when Charlie lifts that trunk. He takes great delight in soaking unsuspecting lurkers.

Claim your lost luggage here...
smiley - ufo



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My name is Sandra..I'm 44 years in..Essex England..I collect..and have a Guide Entry on Wade Whimsies or try this Wade Whimsies website

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