Talking Point: Giving Up

4 Conversations


OK, we're officially done with giving things up. First there were those New Year's Resolutions, most of which seemed to involve giving up vital crutches for getting through the bleakest time of the year. Thankfully, most of these didn't make it past January.

But, no sooner had we seen them off as A Bad Idea than we were besieged by people virtuously giving up things like sweets, chocolate and alcohol for the 40-day stretch that is Lent. And there are still nearly three weeks of it left. What's with all this self denial? It may most be good for the wallet, it's probably good for the health, but can it really be good for the soul? That's why we're throwing the question open to you, the community. For this week's talking point, we want to know:

  • Is giving up stuff really a good idea?

  • Or does 'a little bit of what you fancy does you good'?

  • What's the hardest thing you ever gave up?

  • What's the easiest?

  • And what's the daftest (to other people's minds) thing you ever gave up?

  • Are there any positive health benefits to fasting and self-denial?

  • Does abstinence make the heart grow stronger?

  • Has fasting fallen out of practice for Christians to a greater extent than it has for other religions? Why?

  • Have you got any tips for people trying to give up bad habits?

  • Are there some things you should never give up?

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