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This is a work in progress, and therefore is not coplete yet. Anyone drawing any meaning from this article will be taking it out of context and stands to face disastrous consequences. What they may be... One way to find out... if you dare!


Nearly everyone has been raised to seek out societal necessities. Since the day we are born, we are raised to one day get a job, buy a house, fill it with things we like, and then marry someone and have them come in and complain about the things we like.

But every once in a while, this time honoured system breaks down. Jobs are lost. Homes are lost. Things are lost. Arguements are lost.

Inevitably, there exists a chance that one day, you'll be stuck with nowhere to go. The banks are closed, you have no money, and you need somewhere to go. Well, my friend; looks like you'll be slumming tonight!

Roughing It

Slumming is an intransitive verb defined as visiting impoverished areas or squalid locales, especially out of curiosity or for amusement. As an idiom, it is used to describe enduring conditions or accommodations that are worse than what one is used to.

Whosoever exists that thinks slumming is a fun activity should go join a paramilitary militia group. Slumming is not fun. Slumming is a complete, albeit temporary, loss of all assets, followed by a scramble for the utmost of necessities. In almost all cases, the first and foremost is shelter.

Be it ever so humble...

Many cities have extensive networks of shelters dedicated to housing vagrants. But they are often in run down parts of town.

Now, dumpsters, on the other hand, are a little oasis against the outdoors found on nearly every back alley from the low to the super high class.

They are generally shaped like a large box. Made of either metal or heavy duty plastic, they can be anywhere from 6 to 14 feet long, and usually are about 4 to 5 feet in height. They almost always have a plastic lid hinged at the back, which is used to cover and protect the garbage inside. Dumpsters are usually painted an unattractive green or brown color, and have a somewhat distinctive smell.

They are usually covered with propaganda about not playing in or around it, but they are usually a target for all kinds of graffiti, so pay no attention to the "official warnings".

Dumpsters are usually found near buildings, especially near employee exits. This is not always the case, as some dumpsters are located near roads, parking lots, or just wherever one was dropped and forgotten.

There's no place like home

A Brief History of Roughing It

Christopher Columbus
Charles Lindbergh
Neil Armstrong
Donald Trump
Bill Gates

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