A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem


Post 1


your thoughts are so pure
act so divine
in this life and
in the life hereafter
and before we are born
through mind celestial


Post 2

Blue Bird

Ah So! You seems to me to be "so much alive" to understand, to share and enjoy! Thank you, thank you! Very inspiring.smiley - rose

Did you read my last update on my Introduction? smiley - boing That page is in constant motion because we change all the time.smiley - ghost Just has to be updated when ever a chance. smiley - eureka And "death will surpass" smiley - magicas Simple as that death! smiley - wow! smiley - biggrin Bbird


Post 3


hi there bluebird i prob just missed your prvious one you seem to choose serious topics and turn them into very exiting read


Post 4

Blue Bird

You are honestly very good to me flyingtwinkle! smiley - kiss
I sincerly appreciate it!smiley - biggrin
So much stuff is waiting, but this week I really got short on TIME. smiley - headhurts

Did not send a poem to Shazz, because I got new softwear to draw with, but it was not to my satisfaction and did not release it. smiley - wah
The poem is there for some time.smiley - cheers
I'll get it in next week, hope. smiley - ok

And tell me now ( if I may ask) what are you doing in these days?smiley - star
smiley - bluebird smiley - biggrin


Post 5

Blue Bird

Just so happened while i was flying around in the Internet I found something what was "posted" 1 hour ago? about Blue Bird smiley - wow I did not do anything lately! smiley - sorry
Poetry.....prose... a reply from flyingtwinkle smiley - eureka

I just wonder about flyingtwinkle??? He also used to be around Collective with me. We used to exchange thoughts here and there and now nowhere smiley - cry

Does anybody know about flyingtwinkle in these days?

I shall update my Page soon, please send me a note there if you have anything to say or knew where flyingtwinkle is? Thanks. smiley - bluebirdsmiley - smiley

P.S. smiley - thepost Editors this is an excellent idea to bring up "old" stuff long forgotten. Thank you to call my attention to do something for smiley - thepost! smiley - ok

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