Aikido for beginners (part 1)
Created | Updated Sep 21, 2005
When I first started Aikido in February 2003, I was actually going along to watch the Judo classes. My girlfriend suggested that I sit down and watch a class and if I enjoyed it then I should join in. I secretly think she just wanted to watch me get beaten up!
The classes where held at the local leisure centre on Wednesdays. I walked into the brightly lit hall to the sound of grunts and smells of sweat. There where several people in 'pyjamas' on the mat trying to wrestle each other into submission. "Hey, this looks fun" I though, and sat down to watch. Fifteen minutes later they where all bowing to some guy at the end of the mat and it was all over. While the final bow was going on, I noticed that there were some more people 'in pyjamas' coming in, obviously for another class. But these people where carrying thin black bags and some where wearing black, loose flowing trousers. The bags each contained a wooden sword and a 5ft wooden staff, and these people where here to practice Aikido.
Intregued by the weapons, I decided to stay and watch. After about 10 minutes the first thing that struck me was how respectful this art seemed to be of its practitioners. Everybody from the 'dan' grades in their black trousers (hakama) down to the white belts where respectful of each other and appeared to be enjoying every moment of their practice. After about half an hour of watching locks, throws and weapon practice, one of the black belts approached me and asked me if I would like to join in...he was soon joined by another and after a few minutes we where all talking like old friends! Needless to say I went the next week to practice and had a great time getting to know the aikido 'world'.