A Conversation for The Galleon

Galleon 'stars'

Post 1


The last time I went to The Galleon (undergroudnd) was in 1982. It sounds like the place hasn't changed since then, although the clientele is different. Back in the early 80's it was frequented by the 'stars' of the Blackpool Shows (Russ Abbott and The Krankies used to go in a lot!). The bar staff from Blackpool Tower (including me) used to go there after hours.

Technically you had to be a member to get in back then, but I don't think they enforced that rule too much, especially when you were downing Malibu and pineapple like there was no tomorrow. I haven't a clue why we used to drink that though!

And the low roof height is deadly serious. If you were over 5'8" tall the only spot for you was standing with your head in the hole in the kitchen where the extactor fan used to fit!

Galleon 'stars'

Post 2


I think that is still the case and many of the show stars still go there. But Blackpool is a town of seasons and when the summer season has finished most of the shows close. During the winter the students return, which is when I used to go. I really must go back.

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