A Conversation for Talking Point: Faking It

Hoaxes, don't get mad, get even.

Post 1


I once worked for a Soho based design studio. One of the partners was a well-known hoaxster, examples included 5 pound notes attached to long trails of cotton or super glued to the pavement outside the office, another was to send juniors for an 'art license' from the post office, several 'sky hooks' were also attempted to be purchased. I found it all a bit tiresome and one day came accross a chance for the tables to be reversed. The hoaxster arrived at work one morning with tales of the previous nights revellry. He had met the girl of his dreams, but she was off on a two week holiday to Spain the next day. Later that day a staff member said he was off to Spain too. I saw the chance to pull a fast one, and wrote what would be the contents of a postcard from Mrs Right, declaring undying love and a love triste on her return. 5 days later the card arrived, the hoaxster was in seventh heaven, running around the building showing everyone the card. He was taken hook, line and sinker. The staff laughed so much that day that they were holding themselves, doubled-up in pain.
After that his prankster's activity virtually ceased. As they say in Thailand, 'som nom na' e.g. serves you right. smiley - biggrin

Hoaxes, don't get mad, get even.

Post 2


I worked with a man who was a hoaxer.
The boss bought his wife a new car for her birthday, so she sold the old one, a Fiat model **, via the local paper.
T (the hoaxer) phoned her, and asked if she still had the car, and was told, no.
T asked what colour the car was.
Yellow, was the reply.
How much did you get for it?
Oh, no, if it was a 19++ yellow Fiat model** it is worth five or six times that, as they are very rare.
The poor woman tried to buy back her car, but, luckily for her, she did not manage to get it.

Some time later, we were made aware that T (a married man) was having affairs with a number of women.
One of my men friends agreed to phone T at work, and threatened him with an awful fate if he did not leave "his woman" alone.
After this call, T came into our office, white in the face, and told us about the call. I was the only one who knew the truth, but everyone made sympathetic noises and suggested that T stop his philandering.
This he did, and even confessed to his wife! Apparently she was highly amused about the threats, and told T it would serve him right if he did get beaten up, or whatever.
Several times during the next two months, I and my colleagues (who still did not know the truth) asked T of he had had any more threats.
No, he hadn't, but had been very nervous for a while, and was now behaving himself.
I aked ny friend to call into the office, told him which one T worked in. I alerted my colleagues, as well as T's wife.
My friend came in, and said in his 'telephone voice': Well, T, have you been behaving yourself?
T rushed into our office, where we were all creased up with laughter.
It took him some time to calm down, especially when he found out that his wife had been told about the hoax.
Some time later he admitted it was one of the best, and he wished he had thought of it!

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Hoaxes, don't get mad, get even.

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