Twin Cities, Minnesota, US

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The Twin Cities consist of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the two largest cities in Minnesota and the surrounding metropolitan area. The area has roughly a population of 2 million people, with Minneapolis and St. Paul accounting for roughly a quarter of that. The two cities sit on an "S" curve in the Mississippi river that roughly bisects each of them in turn, with a waterfall being the main reason for this site having been used as a focus for trade and manufacturing.

When in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area there are many things to see and do. One of the largest, and indeed one of the most visited sites in America, is the Mall of America. When it was built it was the largest indoor shopping venue in the country and remains a landmark and destination for many shoppers who visit. It is also located accross the freeway from the airport and as such lures people in for a quick visit quite often.

Less comercially orientated are the many museums. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Walker Art Center (which includes the excellent Guthrie Theater), the Minnesota Science Museum and the Childrens Museum. Each of these can make for a pleasant diversion for an afternoon and is an excellent museum in their own right. There are also the less well known, smaller museums, like the Museum of Questionable Medical Devices.

If the weather is nice there are a bevy of outdoor activities to do. The region has a plethora of parks, some that are miles long that wind through the cities, others that are merely plots of land that provide a green refuge for residents. Some places to highlight are Minnehaha Parkway, which follows the Minnehaha Creek as it twists and turns its way through southern Minneapolis. The end of the creek (which includes a gorgoues waterfall) is surrounded by wooded areas with dirt paths that ends at the bank of the Mississippi River in a nice quiet area.

In St. Paul, a major landmark park is Mounds Park. Located on a bluff that overlooks the Mississippi and downtown St. Paul, this park was made to preserve an ancient Native American burial ground, marked by massive mounds which contain their remains. The bluffs face west and so provide an excellent place from which to view a sunset.

In Fall, the region is particularly beautiful during a few short weeks in September and October. The trees begin to change colors and the landscapes are filled with wonderful yellow, orange and red colors. If visiting, be prepared for colder temperatures. Seasonally it will be around 50 degrees Farenheit during October.

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