La Cave Saint Germain, Paris, France

2 Conversations

La Cave Saint Germain is a small bar in Paris with a nice cozy, friendly atmosphere--upstairs--and something like an ant hill disco with a coat check room downstairs. If you don't bump your head on the ceiling or fall down the narrow stairs, you'll have a good time on the weekend. Weekdays are so-so.

The owner, Patrick, doesn't speak a word of english. Tuy (like chewie with a 'T'), the bartender was imported from Thailand and has the gift of gab. They're both very nice people who are genuinely interested in making sure you enjoy the bar.

The Cave opens late, around 2300, and stays open until the last guy leaves (or is shoved out). It's a great place to go if you're looking to have a hangover serviced. It's also more fun than standing in line to walk up the Eiffel Tower.

By the way, if you can find The Cave, you can find just about anything. So where is it? 17 rue des Canettes, Paris, France. Look around the neighborhood while you're there.

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