Friedrich Nietzsche

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A philosopher who came up with the answer to life the universe and everything. He predicted others would understand him around the start of the third millennium.
His idea while easy to understand was incredibly difficult to explain. He wrote many books on the subject and the one he maintained is the best is 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'. In it he quotes his famous line for which he is often misquoted "God is Dead". His father was a pastor so he could speak knowledgeably about faith. My personal view is that the values of faith are good and that he thought it was unwise to believe in things just for their own sake. I also feel that he understood Socrates idea that you have to think things out for yourself and not just accept ideas.
Nietzsche felt that anything worth achieving required effort to attain. This is an important truth that verges on common sense as if it were easy to attain then someone else would have stumbled across it.
I feel an affinity with this great thinker. If you would like to know more please post to this page.

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