Life, The Universe and Everything

2 Conversations

The Universe started from a point which exploded otherwise known as the big bang. Everything organises itself according to the rules that are not yet fully understood. Elements are formed. Stars are formed. Planets are formed. Life forms. The rules seem to favour moving from chaos towards order that is organisation is winning over disorganisation. Life forms that are organising things are said to have good behaviour. Life forms that are disorganising are said to have bad or evil behaviour. In summary everything is governed by unknown rules and there appear to rules seem to favour good behaviour over bad.
Try to leave behind all the conditioning of school, learning and experience and think like a new born baby. Everything is just collections of atoms in with rules governing how the collections interact. Post to this page to learn more.
Here are some references. Arthur C Clarke: 2001 A Space Odyssey; Stuart Kauffman: At Home in the Universe; Friedrich Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

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