Nempnett Thrubwell, Somerset, UK

2 Conversations

Nempnett Thrubwell resides on the western edge of North East Somerset, 15km south of Bristol. It is a small village in the Mendip Hills, near the river Yeo in Chew Valley. The area it is in comprises of small, isolated farms and the older, more simple buildings are made from the local Lias limestone.

The villages' name is believed to mean "the grove at the village well" from the Old English wiell and the Celtic nemett.

Near the village is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest, Plaster's Green Meadows. There is also a place of touris interest, the Fairy Toot, which was originally a chambered cairn or burial ground, a Scheduled Ancient Monument. It is 60 meters long, 20 meters wide and is now 2.5 meters high. It was originall much higher.

Despite being a small, rural village, Nempnett Thrubwells' curious name as made it a famous local attraction, the name being immortalised by The Wurzles in the song Dwon in Nempnett Thrubwell.

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