A Conversation for My Garden in Salisbury, Rhodesia


Post 1

LL Waz

The rains, oh yes. Getting caught cycling home from school smiley - smiley. First thing you did? Leap off the bike and take your shoes off to protect the leather! Then cycle bare foot through the warm puddles.

Blue bird and red birds - blue and red waxbills? Such pretty little things. There were orange one's too, even smaller.

I remember being told that the reddish colour in leaves absorbed less heat than green and so helped protect new leaves. I don't know if it's true though.

Looking forward to hearing about Cuthbert...



Post 2



What a beautiful and interesting picture you paint. The thought of all that heat is quite pleasant at the moment as it is freezing here. I have been basking in your sunshine smiley - smiley

I, too, will look forward to hearing about Cuthbert and any other stories you might have for us.

I will be looking for you to appear online again as soon as you are able.

smiley - hugsmiley - goodluck

Websailor smiley - dragon


Post 3


What a lovely surpirse to see that little piece about the garden appear. I realise that I spoke only baguely about the garden. !! It was beautiful

Thank yoiu LLWax, and also WS for writing bout it. I never saw those postings. It is good to receive them now when life is a bit down. 1!!

Thank you both so much.
Thanks for the name of the birds LLWas.

Did you ever hear a white browed robin singing? It is the most beautiful melody one can hear I do not remember where but I have aftually spoken about it this morning.

With much affection


with much affction


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