
3 Conversations

The biggest thing you need to know about Belgium is it's division between Wallonia and Flanders, the French and Dutch speaking parts of the country. It's pretty much an equal divide, straight across the country east to west, and the capital (Brussels) is in the Dutch part, and although it's officialy bilingual there're more Francophones than the Dutch. There's huge rivallry between the North and South (like Sydney and Melbourne in Australia) There are also a few Germans, right down in the South-East...but they don't really make much noise....

I don't know much about the Dutch, apart from the fact that they've got funny houses smiley -

The food is one of the best things about Belgium - the waffles in Liege with giant lumps of sugar in them, the french fries (a Belgian dish) which they eat with tomato sauce and mayonnaise, the chocolate which is so good - they have a chain of chocolate stores called 'Leonidas' which are everywhere; they've got the best pralines (but very expensive!) and there's a brand you can buy in the supermarkets called "Big Nuts" that is delicious.
Some of the food is pretty foul though, like raw meat - there's a paste they spread on their sandwiches called 'American' that's raw mince meat and raw onions all mooshed up together - and while they're preparing a meal they're likely to eat a bit of raw lamb, or stuff like that smiley -

The beer is another good thing, I don't know about other countries, but Australian beer is utter crud when compared to the Belgian stuff - and there are many different variaties - and a lot are brewed in old abbeys, the monks make cheese and beer - good cultural history stuff!

The Ardennes over in the East, are the 'mountain' ranges....not very tall, but in Autumn they're really nice, if cold...

There's a fort on top of a hill at Dinant, um, there're heaps of castles, but I don't know what the UK's got so you might not be interested in them - compared to Australia there's so much history, it's unreal!

In Brussels itself there's this big road, about a kilomater long, that's choccas with shops, and the really weird thing (to me, anyway) was that ALL of the shopkeepers spoke at least french and dutch, and usually german and some english too - the people in tourist shops spoke a few other languages as well, like Japanese....imagine being FLUENT in 4 or 5 languages!

The Grand Place in Brussels is enourmous - lined with old buildings - there's even a choclate museum! Not a very good one, mind you, but the fact that it even exists is pretty awesome! There's also a comic museum somewhere in Brussels - the Musee des bandes dessinees and in Charleroi (a city in the south-ish) they've got comic characters (like 'Lucky Luke', 'Marsuperlami', and 'Tintin' all over the place - a surprising number of popular cartoons come from Belgium.

There are heaps of exchange students - you can't go anywhere without finding someone who speaks English!

The public transport system is good...very easy to follow with helpful ticket inspectors who explain to you you've got on the train and let you ride for free...

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