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Changing "thread" name

Post 1

Oot Rito

Hi !

How can I change the name of a thread ?

Thanking you in advance for any help you can provide

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Post 2

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

The name of a thread as it appears on your space cannot be changed, unless it violates the <./>houserules</.> and is yikesed by someone.

The subject lines within a thread can be changed, by changing the subject.

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Post 3


Although normal researchers can't change the subject line of the first post in a thread, don't the italics have that super-power? They can certainly change the contents text of their own posts after the event (I've seen it). However, even if they could change the subject text too, I'm fairly sure they wouldn't do it for just anyone.

yes and no

Post 4

Oot Rito

Thanks SEF.... the "just anyone" was a really sensitive touch....
oh dear, what I would have given for a little ol' "even some one as great/deserving/wonderful" as you....

I'll get LTD onto you !

smiley - cheers

yes and no

Post 5


Sorry deni, I haven't seen enough instances to catgorise the occasions on which the italics would change text to be more precise in my wording. I only meant "just anyone" in the sense of not doing it casually or all the time. Anyhow, I think they'd be the ones you would have to convince of the great/deserving/wonderful-ness of any desired change. I see it as an unlikely event rather than an impossible one.

LTD? smiley - erm I'm probably going to have to look that one up...

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Post 6

Oot Rito

Does "Just war" ring a bell ?

yes and no

Post 7


I did come across A644672 a month or so ago but if that's your reference I still don't get the relevance of the initials.

On the other hand, "Ltd" is something I've met but which wouldn't seem to fit either the original remark or the clue. smiley - biggrin

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Post 8

Oot Rito

Quadruple sorry....

I confused you with someone who was trying to talk sense into a particularly pugnacious and intolerant person on the The War in Iraq was Just thread.....who may even in fact be called LDT

*beats self over head with ripe banana*

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Post 9


Did the banana help? Perhaps you should save it for Homer. smiley - winkeye

I _was_ on a couple of Iraq threads and did try to calm down disputes but even the anagrammed initials aren't familiar. Maybe I'd better get back to that other thread myself after being too busy for a while. smiley - winkeye

yes and no

Post 10

Oot Rito

Too late, the banana has mushed into my scalp....... (not a pleasant sight)

btw: Homer has wrecked a Greek bar, I'm beaming back to look for him

yes and no

Post 11


We can change the title of a thread, but it's not something that we do as a matter of course. Otherwise we'd spend all day doing it! It depends on the circumstances, how nicely we are asked, and how busy we are. smiley - smiley

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