A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Conversations on h2g2

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 1


hi there can anyone help me, I have got loads of postings that i would like to get rid of so I can keep track of my recent messages easier? Look forward to reading your replies, thanx guys! smiley - smiley

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


If you click on the posting you wish to unsubscribe from, and go to the page and scroll to the very bottom you will see an option to unsuscribe from the conversation there.

Unfortunately at the moment you have to do them one by one!


Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 3


You can simply unsubscribe. It depends on your skin though. If you're in brunel, there will be a little 'x' to the left of conversations in your personal space, and in alabaster or classic goo, there will be the link unsubscribe under the conversation in your personal space.

Do you know which one you're in?

smiley - blacksheep

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 4


Or you can do morts, though frankly I think mine is more efficient (smiley - tongueoutsmiley - nahnah)

smiley - blacksheep

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 5

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

thats a good point, i am so used to using the conversation pop up list.

*smiley - sleepy decides it's time for bed*

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 6


Time zones... I just got up from bed...

smiley - blacksheep

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 7


I am in plain as i was advised to go into that one, what is best one to be in then. I was also wondering if there was a way that I could delete some of the postings as I go along so as it is quicker to access latest posting instead of having to scroll down(as I have one conversation which is quite long now!) thanx for your help!

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 8


how do I do that then, by the way hello, and thanx for your reply please may I ask your asl? and will bid you bon soir. I am F 32 Liverpool England. Hope to chat again sometime.

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 9


Plain is basically the same as alabaster or classic. Go down to where you see the conversations and press the unsubscribe button under which conversations you want to get rid of, and they won't show up on your personal space any more. smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 10

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Time zones? smiley - blush I am in scotland and its lunchtime smiley - laugh

I'll let Jodan answer that question about plain skin digibox users.
He will give you a right answer smiley - winkeye


Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 11


Hi there thanx for your reply, I have been doing that too but I was unsure about if I unsubscribe that,that means I do not want to chat with that person anymore. Will I still receive messages from a person who I have had a long conversation with. If you can understand what I mean!LOL. I am not explaining myself very well am I! Please may I ask your asl? Mine is 32 F Liverpool England. Hope to hear from you soon!

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 12


Thanx for that, I was wondering were you were with you mentioning time zones, it is lunchtime here too, I am in Liverpool. Hope to speak to you again sometime.

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 13


Thanx for that I will do that then, I was just concerned that if I unsubscribed that it would mean that I would not receive postings from that person again but if it doesnt then I will do that then thanx again and hope to speak to you soon.smiley - smiley

Deletion of old conversations and postings

Post 14


Hi mort, I'm completely helpless internationally...

I'll let someone else answer any more questions, I have to go in.. now! smiley - run

smiley - blacksheep

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