A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Your Personal Space

My Personal Space page

Post 1


I am new here and am trying to edit my personal space page by writing something about myself. I understand I have to click on a "edit page" button, but I can't find that. (This sounds silly I know!) But I'd really appreciate some help. Since no one can leave me messages unless I update my personal space page, I request emails directly at [email protected]
Any help is appreciated. Thank you

My Personal Space page

Post 2


Hi and welcome to h2g2! smiley - biggrin

Your personal space is U237916. If you visit it, you will find there the 'Edit Page' button, that you can use to add an introduction for youself. smiley - smiley

I hope that helps. smiley - ok


My Personal Space page

Post 3


Thank you for your help. My Personal Space page is ready now smiley - smiley and I look forward to hearing from others on this forum.
Thank you once again.


My Personal Space page

Post 4


No problem - I'm glad that I could help! smiley - smiley


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