Virtual Party Disco Room

4 Conversations

Are you ready to 'dance the night away' and 'celebrate' h2g2's Virtual Party

A glitter ball hangs from the ceiling next to the decomposing corpse of the original DJ, still holding his copies of Agadoo and the Birdie song. The lighting has been provided by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation so they will glow in relation to your mood. So no blues as that would play havoc with my eyes.

Thanks to my cousin Tony for the use of his speakers and the Grim Squeaker for dealing with the previous DJ

The Playlist

So far the requests for MC Demon Drawer to play are:

'99 Luft Ballons' - Nena

'Come on Eileen' - Dexy's Midnight Runners

'Happy Birthday' - Stevie Wonder

'Happy Birthday' - Altered Images

'Happy Birthday to You (the h2g2 mix)1' - Marilyn Monroe

'Birthday' - the Beatles

'Sit Down' - James

'Rubbish!'- Carter USM

'One Week (One Year H2G2 Mix)' - Bare Naked Ladies

'Born Slippy' - Underworld

'Tequilla' - Terrorvision

'Welcome to the Pleasure Dome' - Frankie Goes to Hollywood

'Frankie' -

'Atmosphere'- Russ Abbot

'Happy Talk' - Captain Sensible

'Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps Please' - Splodgenessabounds

'Blobby Song' - Mr Blobby

'Diamond Nights' - Chris Waddle and Glenn Hoddle

'Touch Me' - Sam Fox

'Shut up a your face!'

'I'm Going Slightly Mad' - Queen

'Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep'

Robson and Jerome The entire back catalogue???

'Shiny Happy People' - REM

'Rock the Casbah'

'Fiesta' - The Pogues

Blink 182

Four Star Mary

Matchbox 20


The Barenaked Ladies


Sugar Ray


What yours isn't here?

Well don't be slow, add it to the forum below, I'm sure if it's not in the extensive collection, we can get it on MP3.

What do you mean you're tired of dancing? Ok if you must, return to the rest of the party go ahead 'Don't leave me this way'.

1The words Mr. President substituted by h2g2

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