Mindless Drool

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My Subject is Mindless Drool for those unfamilar with the term small wonder it's one of my on conception.
Mindles drool a type of substance composed of lack of substance, flashy PR and a play on the visual senses of a good percentile of the public in the United States.
The has the characteristics of a computer virus. *to be reffered to as MD ftom this point further, as to the fact the words in combination take to much time to type> Much like a MD *see much simpler* attacks the root systems of a computers file folders. Disabling certain comands whilst enabling comands brought in by theMD> MD Gets in the persons root file system ie grey matter. Goes directly to the folder titled: anything resembling a opinon or the folder titled no opinon: no opinon at all its likes that one better takes less time oh on adverage 2 maybe 3 nanoseconds less the than the root folder previously mentioned. The CV quickly removes all traces of set folders and replaces them with get opinon from favourite flashy news source. Whilst there it inputs deeper comands like don't that fast food look good, wounder what that flashy logo would look in favourite colour. Since the MD has no need to chance colour prefference because the makers of said MD makers will no less money as to what colour prefference is currently set. They will make even more money 3 to 6 months down the road when a new fashion trend will be evoked.
So in conclusion Wy don't you take your time to form your own opinon resist the efforts makers of Mindless Drool, and avoid the Zombie-like effects that it infects in the mind of those that have already been infected by the virus. *Note the effects are reversable the sooner the better. The longer the virus infest the operating system ie the mind. The less the chances are that said victim will recover.

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