Australian People (or "Aussies")

1 Conversation

These interesting people live in a country in the southern hemisphere called Australia (Oz-tray-lee-ah), which is commonly referred to as "The Land Down Under". This would seem to be related to the country's location on the model globes of the planet Earth as produced by those people who live in the so-called "Northern Hemisphere" who, for reasons unknown, like to think that being on the "top" of the planet is in some way superior to being on the "bottom" of the planet. This may in some way be attributed to the fact that standing on the bottom of the planet causes all the blood in your body to rush to your head, which can cause irreperable brain damage. (Take New Zealand for example).

It is a common misconception that all Australian men wear hideous leather vests, (produced from the hide of some dangerous native animal which they have wrestled to the ground and beaten senseless with their bare hands), wear funny black hats with little swingy things hanging from them, and continually utter the words "she'll be right mate" while swigging from a can of VB (VB - locally made beer with the brand name of Victorian Bitter - referred to by outsiders as Very Bad).

The Australian female is also believed to be typically blonde, wear nauseating pastel coloured gym leotards while jumping around ecstatically to repetitive pop songs, sporting a very bad haircut.

These misconstrued perceptions are attributed to two well known Aussie "exports" - so called, because the Australian people found them so irritating, that they shoved them off overseas to get rid of them.

*to be continued*

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