Dying Your Hair

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I have pink hair. Bright pink hair. And people keep asking me how I got that striking fuschia shade. So I'll tell you all now, so you'll sodding well leave me alone! ;-)

If you, like me, have dark hair, you first need to bleach it. Go to the chemists. Jerome Russell's super super blonde kit (or something like that) is best. It's a blue cardboard box with sachets of blue powder inside. While you're at the chemists, you ask him/her for a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, about 6%. Mix it all up in a plastic bowl until it's gloopy; thick enough to stay on your head and hold your hair in place. Check every half an hour or so. As a rough guide, I'm Chinese, and my hair took about 2 hours. On the other hand, my fiance, who's irish, had the dye on for the same amount of time, and his hair just went ginger, while mine went white. I dunno, figure that bit out yourself.

Slap some dye on. Follow those instructions. I'll just tell you what I know about that. I've had every hair colour possible, and I can tell you that red colours fade very quickly. I have to redye every 3 washes or so. If you dye it light blue, it fades out gray, while red colours fade out a nasty gingery prawn-cocktail colour. If you're dying it green, make sure it looks deliberate, or people will think it wasn't.

This is Very Important. I know they say in magazines to take care of your hair, and I know we all ignore it. Don't. Those shampoos that claim to help keep the colour in don't seem to be working, and they don't smell as nice as my other ones, so bugger them. But use intensive replenishing hair masques. Believe me, they make a difference. Use ones for coloured hair, or at least moisturising ones, because others will strip the colour faster than anything. Don't scrub your hair dry, pat it. And really do use a wide-toothed comb GENTLY to comb wet hair.

I've lost a lot of hair not doing the above. Benefit from my experience.

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