Toronto Bluejays - Baseball Team

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Greeting Guidereaders!

I found the guide was lacking an entry for the Bluejays, and therefore i felt i should add one.

The Toronto Bluejays are a baseball team based in (go on, guess...) Toronto. They play in the Eastern division of the American League, which means that they usea designated hitter to bat in place of the pitcher. The Bluejays home stadium is the Skydome - so called becasue its roof can open up entirely. It is the only stadium on earth which has a fully retractable circular roof. Plus, the 'dome is situated right next door to th CN Tower (a very, very tall building if you haven't a clue what i'm on about). If you need more info onthe current team line-up and results, go to where you'll find lots of useful stuff, and a shop (but be aware of the prices!).

Hope that gets you interested,

Pete :-)

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