Castleacre, Norfolk.

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Greetings Guidereaders!

Here's what i have to say about Castleacre, a small village in Norfolk which i have recently visited. This village has two major attractions, and superb Hot-Cross-Buns!
The ruined Castle sits at one end of the village, the ruined priory at the other. The castle is in the Motte and Bailey style of the post norman-conquest era and is fairly nice to walk around.
However, the priory is much more worth the visit! It is large, and ruined (Henry VIII's fault again...) and boasts somefine architechture. One of the buildings in the gate-house area is still preserved and open to the public. Go inside and you'll find some interesting Tudor (i'm guessing the date, but i think it's accurate)ceiling painting on the roof boards. The rooms have lots of interesting structural features; it being obvious that the two rooms were once one but later divided. It's very photogenic if you've got good weather.

Hope that makes you want to look around if ever you run through it.


Pete :-)

PS- apologies for lack of HTML, not wearing my HTML hat today!

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