Everything has to go someplace

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I read something a couple weeks ago on a website about astonomy mistakes in fiction, fact and movies about dark matter and how they might have found a way to fotograffe it's existence. This got me thinking about bright matter and antimatter and matter matter.

If there is such a thing as trash, what is anti-trash?

In the forest primeval, nothing goes to waste, everything is part of the circle of life, Kimba...

On the planet of men, everything goes to waste, nothing is part of the circle of life. The dead and their trash get buried under more trash. Why do they mow the lawns in cemetaries? So you can walk unencumbered by life and weeds to look at the entombed unrecycled remains of your relatives. Why? They are dead and they don't care what you did with their wrapper when their soul flies off to find another plane to encumber.

are souls polluting heaven? Could it have ever really been a paradise if it were inhabitied by genitalless angels cavorting around doing the will of a god who had to assume the aspect of a flighted bird in order to get his rocks off in a virgin or two?
What is the point of heaven or paradise if the worst aspects of life and hell are duplicated?

Or is it all a joke and we get reincarnadined as a seven year old Tibetan boy who will be imprisoned by the Chinese Communists because they fear that Buddha might be more powerful than Mao?

People are told to take out the trash so their homes can be neat. Isn't the planet their home? How can you discard the trash that infects the planet? Shall we send it somewhere else?

It has been pimpulated that the only reason the Earth is populated by the pox humana is because this solar system and this orb have collected enough interstellar and outerstellar effluvia to support what is laughingly called life. More pristine planets, such as Jupiter and Venus will never be disturbed by traffic jams and barges filled with Belgian garbage sailing from Spain to visit New Jersey... or something like that.

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