A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 101

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Censorship - don't get me started. One of the reasons I am still receiving the Ace emails is to put the voice of reason forward when one of them (usually young with little life experience) tries to get something removed. About three times a week on average.

Is Ashley a female? I have been talking man-to-man with her/him on subbing matters for quite some time.

I have approved a yarn on Wicca (a form of witchcraft) so the Christians haven't got the site totally to themselves.

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 102

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Lil I am marbike @ hotmail.com

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 103


Ok so I've got myself a bit of software that implements the AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) protocols (at work). What am I to do with it? what's it for? why have I succumbed to peer presure and filled my hard disk with yet more non music stuff?

Ashley is a very nice chap who I met at the H2G2 meet in London the other month.

As for non-christain beliefs and anti-censorship articles BluDragon has written a few articles (about wicca and `why books get banned')
so the discussion is out there, you've just got to know where to look (listen for the quiet whisperings under the majority shoutssmiley - winkeye)

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 104

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I find the Wiccans, at least the ones I see on telly or featured in the Llewellyn catalogue, endearingly amateurish, with their homemade outfits. But I don't doubt their sincerity. Maybe the earliest Christians were exactly the same, right down to the improvised religious artifacts and mosquito bites.

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 105



12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 106

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

When I was subbing the Wicca yarn I checked out a few websites to check some facts. The sites seemed to be inhabited by some seemingly, nice, sane people.

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 107


I have to say i am completely ignorant of Wicca etc. though I have heard of it. What is it all about, other than witchcraft. I always assumed it was some sort of Paganism or had Celtic backgrounds.
ie circles of trees and white witches etc.

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 108

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The yarn I subbed hasn't emerged since I sent it back to the paid subs. I found this by searching for wicca using the h2g2 search engine. There are other guide entries on the subject.

Wicca is a religion and a branch of Paganism. Wiccans generally believe in a God and a Goddess and the powers of nature. The basic rule that Wiccans believe in is "An it harm NONE, do what ye will." This includes yourself and anybody else. There are of course exceptions if you are acting in self defense. The other rule generally believed in is know as the "Threefold Law", this is basically a type of karma. Anyaction that you do (either good or bad) will come back to you three times as powerfully. Wiccans (Also known as Witches) do not worship Satan, as they do not believe that Satan exists.

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 109

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Gentlemen, ladies and lurkers, this thread has grown long enough, and I have established the next thread at http://www.h2g2.com/F38024?thread=58945&post=433212 I think I made a proper segue, but feel free to restate your observations or arguments.

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 110


It actually sounds quite interesting, Looney. The 'An it Harm none, do what ye will' is a tennet worth remembering. I generally abide by this rule wherever possible, barring the occassional lapse. smiley - smiley

12th Conversation at Lil's

Post 111

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Looney: yeah, I approach the Aceforums the same way. Sometimes people tend to get overexuberant there, and I post into it when I think a voice of reason is required. I must say, I'm a bit disappointed in the way Peta wants to handle abuses for two reasons:

1) It is always better to settle matters at the lowest level of authority required. If a fellow researcher can let someone know that their behavior is questionable, fewer things will have to come to her attention. Besides, everyone slips up sometime, and I don't want to have to be scolded by her like some child every time I do it myself.

2) If things continue as they are (which is inevitable), she is going to turn herself into a full-time net nanny, and that kind of thing is going to be a souring experience for her, and for everyone she deals with... to the point where toleration disappears completely.

I do appreciate a bit of regulation, because it was a complete lack of such that ruined the Starship Titanic forums. But unless people are coming out and calling each other names or something, the PTB don't need to get involved. I can recall one researcher who stepped way over the line in one of our atheism debates, and I and a few others pointed out the error. There was a bit of ugliness, and then it settled down and everyone went back to normal. The situation was settled, and nobody at the towers had to get involved. That's how people handle real problems in real life... who here hasn't had the odd argument or two with a coworker, significant other, parent, sibling, etc.? Do you go running to Mommy or your boss every time, or do you settle it yourself?

But, as I said in the forums, it's her job, and she can do it the way she likes. Don't expect me to turn myself into a watchdog, though... I have better things to do with my time.

And now on the subject of Wicca: we've got a couple of articles on Wicca at the FFFF Library, which will in turn lead you to others. The one on Wiccan Holidays, for example, is really just an index page that'll take you to an article on each of the equinoctial and solstical (did I just make up a pair of words? smiley - winkeye) holidays. The Wiccan Forum is just a place to discuss Wicca in general.

And for the subject of discussing other religions... that's exactly what we do at the FFFF. If you want to check out the library, it's here: http://www.h2g2.com/a254314 And as for the subdued atmosphere Ado has noted, I don't think people are saying anything different than they used to, it's just that things have been a bit quieter than usual. Not to worry, though, I'm sure something will come along to spark us all again. smiley - winkeye

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