The Night Before Christmas

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A home-made teddy in a Christmas box

The  Post
Christmas  Poetry  Competition   2007

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

The Night Before Christmas by Fizzymouse

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring … not even a mouse!

Well that’s how it should be, says old Christmas rhyme

But this mouse is busy at each Christmastime.

There’s panto and presents and food to prepare,

So little time left to relax in a chair.

There’s dusting and cleaning and making things nice,

Coz visitors come and it’s wrecked in a thrice.

Stockings are filled and the kids are in bed,

But the last minute details still run through my head.

Did I get all we need, have I left someone out?

Will the children all smile, or will one of them pout?

It’s two in the morning what more can be done?

If it’s not in the house I’m not going to run

To get tonight - we can live without it -

But some toys they need batteries - I have none to fit!

So out in the car to the late-one-stop-shop,

To find batteries for Santa, so faces won’t drop.

And maybe more sweeties, and flowers for the table.

I’d try to buy more, but I find I’m not able.

The credit card groans with the weight of the debt.

And it’s three in the morning - I’m not near bed yet!

But at least I can sit with a sip of sweet wine,

And ponder the meaning of true Christmas time.

smiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastreesmiley - xmastree

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The Post Christmas Competitions 2007


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