Personality Test for those who have been convicted of assaulting test administrators.

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The Black-Bellou Interest Survey for Incarcerated Subjects
of Interest to the Ministry of Offense

Please remove all foreign objects from your person, clothing, hair and shoes.
If any move is made toward any of the other test subjects or the test administrator
that can be construed in any manner by any average five year old as offensive,
disruptive, distracting or just plain downright rude, then you will be removed from
this room and placed in solitary confinement with a small box of broken crayons
and a Peter Max colouring book.

  1. If you a released from this facility on parole, will you:

    A: Run straight to the nearest tobacconist and buy a packet of your favorite condoms?
    B: Engage in recidivist behavior?
    Run straight to the nearest bookseller and look up "recidivist" in the first dictionary you find?
  2. Given a choice, would you rather:
    Run screaming from the room?
    Run screaming from this facility?
    Just run in circles, too out of breath to scream?

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