Welcome to the land of the people who talk all day but have nothing to say. Actually, they write all day not talk and it’s not a land, it’s a paper. See, I just started and I’m already blabbering away. Cool, blabbering is a real word. I never knew that. See? Learn something new every day. I don’t really think that saying is true, though. I’m sure when you’re a baby, kid, adult and so on; I’m sure just one day of your life you must have not learned something new. Even just one person in the world must have not learned something one day. I must now discuss with you, not face to face, but print to face, the importance of you reading this to the end. I must tell you this now before you decide to stop. Listen, because this is not a blabber. I can’t explain this to you print to face, but if you read this through you will find one of the many answers to life. Although it does not look like it this is a work of not art but philosophy. Yes, it is a philosophy. You will find a new meaning in this writing, but to find it you must read all the way through. I could not stress this enough. Now that I have your full attention, or so I hope, I must give you the health policy. Yes, there is a health policy. Anything that happens to such as addiction to nonsense, suicide from boredom or anything of the type is not my fault and I will not be held responsible. No, I am not joking and yes, it can happen. To make sure this doesn’t happen anyway, I will not leave my name or any other private information on this paper which is the paper of the people who write all day but have nothing to write. Yes, you are still welcome to it. Now back to the blabbering which you must read. Notice that I have not used indenting, skipping lines, large font, complex font or anything of the sort. I am not a faker. My writing is long, genuine long. I have really blabbered all this. Even blabbered is a word? This whole thing is getting out of hand. Where does that come from, out of hand? That really makes no sense. It is night here in the paper of writers so I will rest and think of more things to blabber to you tomorrow. To you it won’t be tomorrow, you’ll just read it with everything else. Anything War can do, Peace can do better.
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."