A Conversation for Hello There!
Never let people dis yorkies.
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Jul 29, 2013
Check this out KB.
They are brave--even if it is to defend their food dishes. Be careful.
Never let people dis yorkies.
KB Posted Jul 31, 2013
I actually only noticed this conversation on the recently updated conversation page. Somehow I'd managed to unsubscribe from my own message centre!
Off to look at the link
Never let people dis yorkies.
KB Posted Aug 2, 2013
It was down to browsing on a touchscreen and hitting the wrong link by mistake.
Those dogs are seriously protective of their food, I think that was the bear's mistake. Of course, most dogs are protective of their food - but I think their protectiveness is even greater because they think someone else eat the lot before they get near it.
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Never let people dis yorkies.
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