Mission to Mars Film Reveiw

1 Conversation

Mission to Mars is science fiction film set in the year 2020. It is a lengthy film lasting 2hours 8minutes, and at UCI prices costs £3:40. The film was realised in Britain on 15th April 2000, with not much pre-realease propaganda such as adverts or film posters. At the Uci the cinema was virtually empty.


What a guess! The film is about a space mission to the unexplored red planet Mars. It is a gripping plot with lots of action and adventure. The film is also a mystery, leaving you with a desire to watch until its twisted end. The film starts at home on planet Earth on the last night before the brave astronauts leave home-planet Earth. The film has a nasty habit of skipping things out, with large jumps in time which may leave some confused with the story. An Example of this is from the first scsence just before the launch, followed by a quick jump to 1 year later whwn the base is set up after a 6 month flight.

The Story

The Story first gets exciting about 10 minutes into the film when the four astronaunts encounter a strange volcano, and go to investigate it. This then laeds into a huge exploision, wich leaves 3 dead. The last garbled transmissions are recieved n the WSS (World Space Station) and a desision is called to go back to Mars to see if ther is anything left, and to investigate the strange storm. This is then another chance to witness the strange time-travelling device which takes you rught up to 6 months into the rescue mission. This is when the story gets most exciting, and I cannot reveal any more!

The Verdict

This is a great film, sutable you most people, espically lovers of sci-fi!

The film is:1.A great film with a thrilling story and a believable plot. 2.A bit boring at the beginning.3.A little scary in parts, good for somone you likes this in moderation. 4.Very graphiclly put together with lots of special effects.The film is not:1. Brillintly acted, but certainly no badly done. 2. Very original if you have seen quite a lot of sci-fi movies. (Like Apollo 13) 3. Terribly suited to lover of Julia Roberts Films. 4. That un-pedictable in places.

This film is rated 9/10.

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