Children's Currency - Countries of the World

2 Conversations

This is a collaborative entry to help invent a currency for children. Instead of identical notes or coins being circulated the children will try and collect a set of cards which they can earn (one at a time) for being involved in positive social activities.

In this particular set (Countires of the world) the card will have a picture of the outline of the country. It will also have the name of the country. There will be a set of 6 facts about the country which can be compared with other cards so that a simple game can be played which will encourage the children to learn the facts.

Facts could include:

The main language(s) spoken

The size of the population

The highest mountain (and its height)

The longest river (and the length)

Ths size of the country in (square miles/kilometers)

The capital city (and the population of it)

If you think you can add a card please try and give all the details at once in one posting - this will make it easier to cut and paste into the main article.

Also if you know of a source of a picture of the country in question that would be great.

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