A Conversation for GG: Curved Space and the Fate of the Universe
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Dreamking Started conversation Sep 28, 2004
This is very interesting, but I wish it went deeper. Where can I research Non-Euclidean geometry on my own?
Curved Space and the Fate of the Universe
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Sep 28, 2004
I'm not finished it yet.
I'm sure you could pick up a book on Non-Euclidean geometry, but it is likely to be very hard to understand. I find it very difficult to find easy introductions to hard topics. That's why I write them myself.
As for doing Non-Euclidean Geometry yourself, you can do it with only a piece of paper and a pencil, but you'd be well advised to understand Euclidean geometry first, so hava a read of Euclid's elements.
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