Random Ramblings

2 Conversations

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday, dear Post

Happy Birthday to you.

Well, it's The Post's eighth birthday today, and I've racked my brain what to submit for the occasion. Unfortunately, I can't come up with anything outstanding. A Beeblecast would have been ideal, but then I have no idea how to do that. Sure, I can record some audio file with the new program I recently downloaded, but that's as far as it goes. I don't have any software to combine pictures and sound. It looks as if the new software should be able to do just that, but I am not. I haven't a clue how to do it. And if I uploaded an audio file to YouTube? Impossible, the format they're asking for doesn't include wav or mp3; and I had enough trouble recently, when I needed to convert a wav file into an mp3 file, so that my friends were able to listen to the audio file I had recorded. I had done it as a test-run for some new idea for the h2g2 AViators1 — the article about that should be published in this very issue of The Post. I suppose it was either a flop, or the reply email got lost, because I haven't heard back. My friends seemed to like it, though, so it wasn't all in vain.

But back to this issue: it looks as if I have no other option than to write my Random Ramblings just like every other week.

Trouble is, I don't really know what to write about. I could come up with a few statistics, telling you that this is the 320th edition of The Post, and that there are (at the time of writing this) 8,975 edited entries in the guide. That is an average of more than 1,100 edited entries per year since h2g2 was launched in April 1999, and an average of 40 editions per year of The Post since its foundation eight years ago. I myself have been a member of hootoo for a good four years now, and this is my 22nd Random Ramblings, which means I have contributed to more than a half of this year's issues. That's a surprising result when I think that I never thought I'd write more than maybe four or five issues back in January this year.

This does seem an awful lot (at least to me), but if you have a look at the Regular Columns and Columnists archive, you'll see that there are some who have written for The Post for years and still do. To all those who take the time to write and/or edit for, and read and/or comment on articles in The Post, I say 'Thank you!' You are the ones who keep this worthy project alive and going, keep up the good work!

Happy Birthday, h2g2 Post!

PS: Don't forget The Post Christmas Competition 2007 in two weeks' time!

Random Ramblings


06.12.07 Front Page

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A little birthday cake
1The group has two new members: an_achromatic_eye and Terran

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