A Conversation for Pokemon


Post 1


It would be cool if someone posted some good Pokemon sites/links where we fgind info and pics. The game rulezzzzzzzzzzz !


Post 2


Nobody's posted anything on this in quite a while.
Wonder if it's still open for discussion?
If you're a true Pokemaniac, drop me a line and we'll talk ok?


Post 3

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Pokemon rulz!
I got a good pokemon link for anybody who may/may not care.
(that is my page)

which, by the way, I am going to go see (the movie)


Post 4


Pokemon is an evil thing that promotes slavery. It is truly evil! smiley - fish


Post 5

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

that is your apoinion, you are intitled to it. But if you are saying it here just to get us mad, please don't. We have as much right to say that POkemon rulz as you have to say it sucks


Post 6


Well you're no fun! Come on, defend pokemon! Where's the forum in pokemon rulez?


Post 7

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I do not wish to fight. We are all entitled to the opinions that we hold. Can we not put aside our diffrences and get along knowing that we all have the GUIDE in common?
If not, then anything I can/can't say to defend pokemon, I wouldn't be allowed to write it anyway. They have ruiles here yah know


Post 8


Forums are here not just to say how cool stuff is, but to discuss and debate it as well.


Post 9

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Alright. Here it is.
Pokemon Rulz. But to understand why you would have to have a great imagination and be able to connect with the child with in you.
People who are so amazingly blind that they can't see that pokemon is OK- either because they are blind, have no imagination are just aren't very smart- can keep their opinions and leave us fans alone. So there!


Post 10


Ok, I'm just saying that pokemon promotes slavery. Pokemon are slaves not pets. Why do people keep them in a small ball all the time and not let them walk willingly at their side? Because the pokemon will make a break for it. If they don't, it just increases my point that they are slaves. Slaves that doesnt what freedom is anymore. Ash makes his fight, he never feeds them besides Pikachu, he never lets them socialize, he just uses them so he can be the 'pokemon master'. He isn't freinds with Pikachu. If they were freinds then Ash would never battle him. How often do you guys make your pets fight till one is disabled? How often do you battle your friends against your sister's friends? It's not nice, it's cock-fighting. It's a video game that should not be played by anyone with a will to belong.


Post 11

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Ash feeds his pokemon, it just doesn't show it. A pokemon master is the greatest trainer of pokemon, he is training his pokemon. It's like peopl who train horses or whatever.
He is friends with Pikachu. There was an episode- Good-bye Pikachu- where pikachu could have left Ash, but he WILLINGLY came back to him. In fact in the comic book- or manga- pikachu is gone for days... but he returns to Ash, his friend. Ash also released Butterfree- in Bye-bye butterfree. You can't say that none of his pokemon are his friends. He made friends with Squirtle, Charmader, and Caterpie before they joined his team. The only pokemon he did capture were pidgeotto, Spearow, Krabby, and Muk. (he captured Muk cuz everybody was in danger from it. I mean, hello, toxic sludge monster?) Pikachu was given to him, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmeleon had the choice of going with Ash or not. The others were sent to Prof. Oak, where he let them out regularly, fed them, played with them and studioed them.
As for how many fights I have had with my sisters friends, quite a lot actually. Not that it is you buisness of anything.
What other video games are out there that should not be played. I could name a couple that are worse. I think that I shall.
Mortal Combat- people beating the snot out of other people
Street Fighter- again, beating people up
Those promote violence and killing. I must admit that I am guilty of playing them, in the past. How many times are you going to go up to somebody and beat the snot out of them??


Post 12

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

New episode. Another pokemon has Ash released. Pigeot, one of his firt


Post 13

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I guess that, because you have not replied, I win this argument by default.


Post 14

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

I realize that this might be a waste of time given how recent the previous post was, but for all you actual fans out there, my friend YK put up a League at http://www.h2g2.com/A229772


Post 15

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I am so on my way there right now!


Post 16

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

Good lad. Who else?


Post 17

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I believe the term you should have used was "good girl"


Post 18

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

Sorry. smiley - sadface It's hard to tell what gender someone is from a name like "Infinity".

Oh, Psybermage? How'd you get rid of the title bar on your homepage?


Post 19


Oh, wait. I think I am supposed to talk about how pokemon induces slavery.

Well, since it is fad, I just the topic wasn't really all that important.

Oh, and yes, I am in fact a pokemon fan, and knew all those debate questions myself... I was just bored. I personally do not belive it creates slavery, but I figured someone had to say something about it.

Oh well. I lose. Poor me. Really. I mean it!


Post 20

Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396)

Isn't anybody, at some point, actually going to go to the link above? For those of you who came in later, here it is again. http://www.h2g2.com/A229772

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