Size of the Universe
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Most beings agree on the universe being created with some sort of explosion, whether it be "The Big Bang," "The Horrendous Space Kablooie," or "The Great Sneeze."
Now, modern day scientists have developed a theory of red shifts and blue shifts. These shifts give scientists an idea on how close stars, or the universe for that matter, is close to their deaths. Now, most of these stars appear to be still aging, and are a long way from their deaths, which in turn gives scientists an idea of the universe still expanding from a "Big Bang."
If something is expanding, or shrinking, that would imply that there is a literal end, or boundary, to the universe, which therefore would be finite.
However, some think parallel universes exist out there, and that there is a limitless number of them, implying an infinite universe.
But, an even greater conclusion can be reached by taking in mind that size depends on matter. If the space between a something in the universe and a something else in the universe contains nothing, and the distance between two somethings is incredibly big, and then comparing that volume of nothing to the volume of all the somethings in the universe combined, you would arrive at the conclusion that the ratio would be next to 0, arriving at the fact that there is no universe, and we do live in the non-universe which has no size.