Fear and loathing in the study

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It is incumbant upon the wishful motivational idiot to situate her or his writing space or surface

in a place or time that is conducive to avoiding the sight of the piling bills and the puling bairds.

I have, at times, written, with a babe, on one arm and typed with the other hand, which gives a nother meaning to typing with one hand.

It is important not to put too much importance on the act of writing. If you are not good at it, then you probably will do well to do it with as little deliberateness as you can. Just toss it off, you can always clean it up later. The kind of paper and type of pen or computer or software doesn't matter as much as the kind of underwear you are wearing.

There are various arguments about whether one should have sex the evening before beginning a book. I have never heard any of them.

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